Albertson’s Distribution Center Expansions

This distribution center expansion utilized a fast-tracked steel delivery and consisted of 5 sites across the Western US. Brea, CA – 150,000 sq ft Lubbock, TX – 220,000 sq ft Tolleson, AZ – 200,000 sq ft & 180,000 sq ft Irvin, CA – 220,000 sq ft Gresham, OR – 110,000 sq ft

This project consisted of an original 45,000 sq ft cold storage and food processing facility using concrete and structural steel foundations. Additionally, a 15,000 sq ft expansion implemented afterwards.
Materne GoGo Squeez Plant

This project consisted of reinforced concrete pads for the three new tanks and an above-ground wastewater holding tank and pump house.
Autovol Office Building

This project consisted of an automated manufacturing plant for modular, affordable housing units with a 2-story, 32,000 sq ft building for office space over 52 acres.
Riverpoint Onion Plant

Approximately 32 ft tall facility with an office and elevated mezzanine including an insulated metal panel walk-on ceiling. Steel-braced frame construction with shallow conventional concrete footings and open web steel joist roof with metal deck.

This project consisted of the design and structural engineering service of an existing manufacturing facility including a string cheese plant expansion, a wastewater treatment plant expansion, a whey plant expansion and a cheese pretreatment addition. Included in Axiom’s scope was designing a temporary pad for the construction of the new dryer chamber, design of the […]
Stein Distribution

This project consisted of an extensive remodel to the existing facility as well as an addition. The remodel provides approximately 80,000 sq ft of distribution space. The addition included a 2-story building that provides 20,000 sq ft of corporate office and meeting room spaces.